Frequently Asked Questions

I placed an order, how can I download my pattern?
As soon as you complete your purchase you will be directed to the order confirmation page. A button will appear to download your files, this may take a few moments to load. At the same time you will also receive two confirmation emails that contain clickable links that will take you to your pattern file. You may need to check your spam/promotion folders for these emails if you do not see them in your inbox.
Your device may open your PDF in your browser instead of downloading to your device, if this happens click the downward facing arrow at the top of your PDF to download it to your device. It is always recommended to download the file to your device rather than printing from your browser.

How can I print my pattern?
SewFlo Sewing Patterns are designed to be printed on on A4/US Letter sized paper using the PDF viewing program Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it for free here.
Once open, always print the PDF at "100%" or "actual size", do not scale or fit to page. If any of the pattern lines are getting cut off ensure you have "auto rotate and center" enabled.
If possible it is recommended to always print from a laptop or PC rather than a mobile device.

Are seam allowances included in the pattern pieces?
Yes, always!

Do your patterns include photos?
Yes! All SewFlo Patterns include step by step written and photographic instructions.

Do your patterns include video tutorials?
SewFlo patterns do not include videos as part of the pattern. That said, we have a few amazing bagmaking friends with YouTube channels who have created independent videos for our patterns. Currently, Siah Swag Bags has video tutorials for every SewFlo pattern to date. We have included links to any relevant videos in the product listing of each pattern.

Do you sell paper patterns?
We do not offer paper patterns at this time, SewFlo Patterns are only available as digital downloads.

Do your patterns include SVG Files?
Some SewFlo Patterns include SVG files. These files are included as a courtesy and may not be compatible with all cutting machines. I am unable to offer SVG or cutting machine troubleshooting. These are never necessary to create the project and can be disregarded if you do not have a cutting machine.

Can I sell what I sew from SewFlo Patterns?
You may sell your individual handmade items using SewFlo Patterns. You may not use SewFlo Patterns for mass production, nor contract a third party to do so.

Can I make videos using SewFlo Patterns?
Tutorial style videos can be made and shared with permission and credit. Non-tutorial style videos, such as non in-depth sped up sews, jump cut sews, TikTok style short videos and similar, can be made and shared without special permission. For all videos please use discretion to not show specific information, measurements or pattern pieces, credit to SewFlo is appreciated.

Can I teach classes using SewFlo Patterns?
Yes, you are welcome to teach classes using SewFlo Patterns. Please remember that each student will need a copy of the sewing pattern. These can be purchased individually by each student or teachers may contact me to discuss wholesale pricing. Feel free to share details of any upcoming classes using SewFlo Patterns in the SewFlo Patterns FB Group.